Four Tips For Storing Wall Art Without Damage

15 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Whether your wall art is worth $10,000 or $10, it means a lot to you, so you want to ensure it emerges from your storage unit in pristine condition. Achieving this will require some attention to detail as you prepare your artwork for storage. Follow these tips for success.

Clean it first.

What looks like a light layer of dust now could easily become a streaky, dirty mess if your art is exposed to any humidity during storage. So, start by wiping off the artwork with a microfiber cloth. The microfiber should grip onto the dirt and dust without ruining the paint or other media. Make sure you get in the corners and crevices of the frame, too. Use a cotton swab for grooves you can't reach with the cloth and your fingers.

Protect the corners with cardboard.

One of the most common "injuries" that artwork suffers is dings in the corners of the frame. You can prevent this by folding pieces of cardboard around the corners. Cut two triangles of cardboard. Then cut one strip and bend it in the middle. Tape each triangle to one side of the strip, forming a sort-of cover that the corner of the frame can slide into. Then, situate the cover over the corner. Tie some string or wind a rubber band tightly around it to keep it in place.

Use bubble wrap in boxes.

If you have more than one piece of artwork to store, consider storing them in boxes standing up on end. This way, the artwork on top won't press down on the pieces closer to the bottom. Place a sheet of bubble wrap between each piece. If there's room in the box, place an extra thick sheet of cardboard on top of the artwork before closing the box.

Choose windowless, climate-controlled storage.

Exposing your art to changes in temperature and humidity will almost certainly cause the frame to warp, the paint to peel, or both. Climate-controlled storage, though it costs a bit more than non-climate-controlled storage, is essential. You should also make sure the unit you choose does not have windows. Light can shine though gaps in boxes and wrapping, and before you know it, you have bleached out areas on your paintings. If you cannot find a windowless unit, drape a dark blanket over the boxes that house your artwork.

Follow the tips above, and your artwork will continue adding beauty to your home long after it has been removed from the storage unit. For more tips, talk to a professional like
